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发布时间:2021-02-27 作者: 浏览次数:9667







张桂国,教授,博士生导师,动物科技学院副院长,学科主任。营养与代谢方向学科带头人,山东省牧草产业体系副首席岗位科学家,国家十四五重点研发项目首席专家,山东省功能性多糖国际联合实验室主任,农业农村部非粮饲料高效利用重点实验室常务副主任,山东省青年骨干教师,农村农业部饲料安全评审委员会专家,山东畜牧兽医学会副秘书长,反刍动物科技专业委员会主任委员,草业科技专业委员会秘书长。先后在美国加州大学戴维斯分校、新西兰皇家农业科学院、新西兰林肯大学、北京大学生命科学院做访问学者。担任Nutrition Research and Practice杂志编委;近五年,以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文50余篇。获山东省科技进步二等奖2项、神农中华农业科技奖2项,发明专利8项,主持制定山东省地方标准10项。当前主持国家重点研发计划、山东省重点研发计划,山东省牧草产业体系,山东省良种工程,农业农村部行业专项等重大科研项目10余项。




Animal nutrition(英文)(本科生 中美合作培养)

饲料分析 (本科生)







1. 主持国家农业重大科技项目 “优质牧草抗寒性评价指标体系在不同生态区的优化与应用(NK202214032022.11-2026.12500万。

2. 主持山东省重点研发项目“绿色高效智能畜禽工厂化关键技术创新与应用示范

2022TZXD00182022-2026. 426万。

3. 山东省功能型多糖国际联合实验室及人才工程项目,2024-2029500万。

4. 主持国家重点研发项目“陆生/海洋植物中功能性多糖构效关系与生物学活性分子机制研究(2019YFE01077002020.7-2024.6143万。

5. 山东省牧草产业体系岗位科学家饲草营养岗位(SDAIT-23-052021-2025年;125万。

6. 农业部“粮改饲”重大专项青贮玉米在肉羊健康养殖中的应2020-2025年;80万。

7. 山东省良种工程项目“黄河三角洲肉用绵羊青粗饲料供应综合配套技术研究”(2021-2026,周期滚动项目)。

8. 山东省农业良种工程“南种北繁”项目 LZ201712080160  2018-2024

发表文章 (第一或通讯作者文章)

1Anxin Liu1, Eunyoung Kim2, Jiamei Cui2, Jing Li1, Yunkyoung Lee 2,3, †, Guiguo Zhang1, †

Laminaria japonica polysaccharide improved the productivities and systemic health of ducks by mediating the gut microbiota and metabolome. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2023, 5. Q1, 1 Top, IF= 5.895.

2. Chongyu Zhang, Eunyoung Kim, Jiamei Cui, Yunpeng Wang, Yunkyoung Lee*, Guiguo Zhang*.    Influence of the ecological environment on the structural characteristics and bioactivities of polysaccharides from alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Food and Function. 2022, 4. Q1, 2 Top, IF= 6.317.

3.  Guiguo Zhang*, Yunkyoung Lee*, Zeng-Yu Wang and Yuxi Wang. Editorial: Synthesis and Bioactivities of Plant-Derived Biomolecules Frontiers in plant science. 2022, 7. Q1, Top, IF= 6.627.

4. Guiguo Zhang*, Yunkyoung Lee *, Yang Liu, and Yanlin Hao. Editorial: The Mechanism of Plant-derived Polysaccharides Regulating the Obesity and Metabolic Diseases in Humans. Frontiers in nutrition. 2022, 8. Q1, Top, IF= 6.59.

5. Jiamei Cui, Yunpeng Wang, Eunyoung Kim, Chongyu Zhang, Guiguo Zhang*, Yunkyoung Lee* Structural characteristics and immunomodulatory effects of a long-chain polysaccharide from Laminaria Japonica. Frontiers in nutrition. 2022, 3. Q1, 1 Top, IF= 6.59. 

6. Siqi Li, Meiyu Du, Chongyu Zhang, Yun Wang, Yunkyoung Lee*, Guiguo Zhang* Diet type impacts production performance of fattening lambs by manipulating the ruminal microbiota and metabolome. Frontiers in microbiology. 2022, 4. Q1, 2 Top, IF= 6.064.

7. Eunyoung Kim, Jiamei Cui, Guiguo Zhang*, Yunkyoung Lee* Physiological Effects of Green‐Colored Food‐Derived Bioactive Compounds on Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases Applied Science. 2022,12,1879. 3, IF=2.679.

8. Chongyu Zhang, Chen Zhang, Yunpeng Wang, Meiyu Du, Guiguo Zhang*, Yunkyoung Lee* Dietary Energy Level Impacts the Performance of Donkeys by Manipulating the Gut Microbiome and Metabolome Frontiers in veterinary science. 2021, 8, 694,357. Q1, 2, IF= 3.471.

9. Zemin Li, Chen Zhang, Shimin Zhang, Bo Li, Chong-Yu Zhang, Fawaz G Haj, Guiguo Zhang*, Yunkyoung Lee* The Intestinal Microbiota Characteristics of Salmonella-challenged Broilers and the Modulatory Effects of Alfalfa Polysaccharide on Intestinal Health. Scientific Reports. 2021,11:10910. 3, IF= 4.379.

10. Chen Zhang, Chongyu Zhang, Meiyu Du, Yunpeng Wang, Guiguo Zhang*, Yunkyoung Lee* Effects of dietary supplementation with different fermented feeds on performance, nutrient digestibility, and serum biochemical indexes of fattening lambs. Animal Bioscience. 2021.34.4:633-641. Q1, IF=2.509.

11. Eunyoung Kim, Jiamei Cui, Inhae Kang, Guiguo Zhang*, Yunkyoung Lee* Potential Antidiabetic Effects of Seaweed Extracts by Upregulating Glucose Utilization and Alleviating Inflammation in C2C12 Myotubes. 2021 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Q1, 3 Top, IF= 3.390.

12. A-Reum Han, Jae-Hoon Kim, Eunyoung Kim, Jiamei Cui, In-suk Chai, Guiguo Zhang,* Yunkyoung Lee* Hypotriglyceridemic effects of brown seaweed consumption via regulation of bile acid excretion and hepatic lipogenesis in high fat diet-induced obese mice. Nutrition Research and Practice. 2020, 14, 6, 580-592. IF=1.792.

13. Chen Zhang, Zemin Li, Chong-Yu Zhang, Mengmeng Li, Yunkyoung Lee, Guiguo Zhang* Extract Methods, Molecular Characteristics, and Bioactivities of Polysaccharide from Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Nutrients. 2019,11 (5)1181-1196. 2 Top, IF= 4.171.

14. Hyo-Seon Yang, Fawaz G Haj, Myoungsook Lee, Inhae Kang, Guiguo Zhang, Yunkyoung Lee*. Laminaria japonica Extract Enhances Intestinal Barrier Function by Altering Inflammatory Response and Tight Junction-Related Protein in Lipopolysaccharide-Stimulated Caco-2 Cells Nutrients. 2019,11,1001 2 Top, IF= 4.171. 

15.  Zhang, C Y, Gan, L P, Du M Y, Shang, Q H, Xie, Y H, Zhang, G G*   Effects of dietary supplementation of alfalfa polysaccharides on growth performance, small intestinal enzyme activities, morphology, and large intestinal selected microbiota of piglets.  Livestock Science 2019. 223, 47-52.

16. Lixue Wang, Yuhuai Xie, WeirenYang, ZaibinYang, shuzhen Jiang, Chongyu Zhang & Guiguo Zhang*.  Alfalfa polysaccharide prevents H2O2-induced oxidative damage in MEFs by activating MAPK/Nrf2 signaling pathways and suppressing NF-κB signaling pathways.   Scientific Reports,   2019, 9:1782   the corresponding author)(SCI, IF= 4.61

17.  Y.H. Xie, C.Y. Zhang, L.X. Wang, Q.H. Shang, G.G. Zhang*, W.R. Yang.  Effects of dietary supplementation of Enterococcus faecium on growth performance, intestinal morphology, and selected microbial populations of piglets. Livestock science   2018,210, 111-117, (SCI, IF= 1.79)(the corresponding author

18.  J. Zhang, B.J.Yin, Y.H.Xie, J. LI, Z. B. Yang, and G. G. Zhang*   Legume-cereal intercropping improves forage yield, quality and degradability Plos One 2015.12 DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0144813 SCI, IF= 3.36

19. G. G. Zhang, Z. B. Yang, Y. Wang, W. R. Yang and H. J. Zhou.   Effects of dietary supplementation of multi-enzyme on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, small intestinal digestive enzyme activities, and large intestinal selected microbiota in weanling pigs.   J. Anim. Sci. 2014.92:2063–2069. SCI, IF= 2.604

20.  Mengmeng Li, G. G. Zhang*, X.Z.Sun, S.O.Hoskin. New Zealand Studies on Methane Emissions from Pastoral Farming. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 13(2): 365-377, 2014.SCI, IF= 0.671

21. Guiguo Zhang, Chongyu Zhang, Zaibin YangShuting Dong. Root Distribution and N Acquisition in an Alfalfa and Corn Intercropping System. Journal of Agricultural Science. 5(9) 128-142, 2013. (SCI, IF=2.878

22.  G.G. Zhang, Z.B. Yang, Y. Wang, W.R. Yang.  Effects of Astragalus Membranaceus Root Processed to Different Particle Sizes on Growth Performance, Antioxidant Status and Serum Metabolites of Broiler Chickens. Poultry Science. 92,178-183, 2013.SCI, IF=1.516

23.  Guiguo Zhang, ZaibinYangQingqing Zhang.   A multi-enzyme preparation enhances the utilization of  nutrients and energy from pure corn and wheat diets in broilers.   Applied Poultry Research, 1,67-78, 2012.SCI, IF =0.846

24. Guiguo Zhang, ZaibinYang, Shuting Dong. Interspecific competitiveness affects the total biomass yield in an alfalfa and corn intercropping system.  Field Crops Research, 124,66-73, 2011.SCI, IF=2.774


山东省功能性多糖国际联合实验室由山东农业大学与韩国国立济州大学共同发起,经山东省科学技术厅批准成立。实验室依托山东农业大学张桂国教授团队与韩国国立济州大学LEE YUNKYOUNG教授团队在功能性植物多糖领域的长期合作基础,致力于推动多糖科学与应用的国际化研究。中韩联合团队聚焦功能性植物多糖的结构解析与分子立体建模,通过高分子化学、细胞生物学、分子生物学及多组学(代谢组、转录组)技术,系统研究不同来源多糖的分子结构参数、空间构象差异及其生物学功能机制,揭示多糖种属特异性与“结构-功能”互作关系。实验室以功能性多糖为研究对象,探索其作为天然益生素和功能性食品的潜力,尤其在调控肠道菌群、维持宿主代谢平衡及干预代谢性疾病(如肥胖、Ⅱ型糖尿病、非酒精性脂肪肝、痛风)中的作用,为开发新型治疗性药物和健康产品提供科学依据,助力全球大健康产业发展。

Shandong International Joint Laboratory for Functional Polysaccharides

The Shandong International Joint Laboratory for Functional Polysaccharides, jointly established by Shandong Agricultural University (China) and Jeju National University (South Korea), was officially approved by the Department of Science and Technology of Shandong Province. Building upon years of collaborative research between Prof. ZHANG Guiguo’s team (China) and Prof. LEE YUNKYOUNG’s team (South Korea) in the field of functional plant polysaccharides, the laboratory aims to advance global research on polysaccharide science and its applications.

The Sino-Korean research team focuses on structural elucidation, molecular stereochemical modeling, and biological mechanisms of functional plant polysaccharides. Utilizing multidisciplinary approaches—including polymer chemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, microbiology, metabolomics, and transcriptomics—the laboratory investigates the structural diversity, spatial conformation, and species-specific characteristics of polysaccharides, deciphering their structure-function relationships. Targeting functional polysaccharides as natural prebiotics and bioactive food ingredients, the laboratory explores their roles in modulating gut microbiota, regulating host metabolism, and mitigating metabolic disorders (e.g., obesity, type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and gout). These efforts provide a scientific foundation for developing innovative therapeutic agents and functional foods, contributing to advancements in global health and wellness.
